What are the characteristics and importance of the regional division of Guangdong commercial kitchen project

2022-12-14 222

(1) Prerequisites for regional differentiation

The kitchen area, building structure, door and window orientation, restaurant orientation, existing smoke pipe, water and electricity equipment orientation, kitchen peripheral environment, operation planning and kitchen planning requirements are all prerequisites for kitchen area differentiation. The kitchen must be zoned according to these prerequisites and planning guidelines and requirements.

(2) Regional differentiation plays an important role in kitchen planning

Regional differentiation is a step in the overall operational planning concept, which determines the orientation and direction of the main channel, as well as the orientation and direction of the operation process among operations. If the regional division is not reasonable, it is impossible to plan an optimized technical scheme. For example, the food processing area is equipped with a locker room and toilet, which does not meet the planning requirements. It is an unqualified planning scheme, which requires modification, and takes time and delays work.


(3) No matter the size of the kitchen, it should be divided into different areas

The larger kitchens have obvious structural area division. Although the smaller kitchens have no structural area division and can't set up more operation rooms, there are actually area divisions. The kitchen area setting should also be considered to deal with problems such as mixed areas and poor processes.

Article source: Guangdong commercial kitchen project www.gdmhsy.com