How to Clean the Oil Stain on the Kitchen Wall in Guangdong Commercial Kitchen Project

2022-12-14 212

1. Vinegar: White vinegar is a kind of cleaner, which can resist greasy walls, detoxify them, and will not produce peculiar smell. White vinegar is also a very good natural agent, which can resist stains caused by smoke and dust. If vinegar is used directly on the wall, it will definitely remove grease and smoke stains; However, if you use vinegar and water to make a solution, it will be a good solution for regular maintenance and cleaning. Just spray vinegar or vinegar solution directly on the wall, and then scrub it with a wet rag or sponge.


2. Sodium bicarbonate: Sodium bicarbonate is another detergent, which can be used to remove oil stains on the kitchen wall. Just sprinkle some baking soda on the sponge or any mild scrubber, and then scrub the greasy surface on the kitchen wall. After scrubbing the wall, scrub it with a clean dry cloth to remove the residue of baking soda.

3. Vegetable oil: everyone's kitchen has vegetable oil for cooking, but did you know that this oil can clean oil stains. Take a piece of paper towel, pour in a small amount of vegetable oil, and then scrub the greasy area on the wall. You will find it useful to help you clean the greasy dirt.

Article source: Guangdong commercial kitchen project